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SC 003 - YBCO Tape AC Loss

Model definition

AC Loss in a multilayered superconducting tape is considered. A 2D reference picture (not to scale) and geometric dimensions of each component are listed below.

Depiction of the modeling domain

ComponentsGeometric dimensions
airradius = 8 cm
tapewidth = 4 mm, height = 95 μm, length = 1 cm
copper layerthickness = 20 μm
silver layerthickness = 2 μm
YBCO layerthickness = 1 μm
hastelloy layerthickness = 50 μm
domainlength = 1 cm
YBCO cross-sectionAYBCOA_{\rm YBCO} = 3.96×1093.96 \times 10^{-9} m2^2

Simulation setup guide

Step 1 - Create the geometry

In the Model section, draw the multilayered tape and surrounding air cylinder as defined above. The finished CAD model, zoomed in and viewed from above, should look like in the picture below.

CAD Model

Step 2 - Define regions, materials and shared expressions

Proceed to the Properties section to define the model materials. Pick the Air, Copper, Silver and YBCO superconductor materials from the materials database and assign them to volumes accordinly.

Create a new material Hastelloy, and assign it to the core layer of the tape, as in the image above. Set the material properties for Hastelloy as below.

Hastelloy material properties

Step 3 - Define the physics and apply boundary conditions

Proceed to the Physics section and add the following physics.


Under Magnetism φ:

  • The Constraint target is a top edge point on the air cylinder.
  • The Lump I/V cut target is a circular loop along the top edge of the air cylinder.
  • In the Lump I/V cut Parameters, Actuation mode is set to Current.
  • The External field target is the curved surface of the air cylinder (not the flat bases).
  • The External field (x, y, z) values are set to (0, Bext, 0).

Under Magnetism H:

  • Make sure H-φ coupling is enabled.

Step 4 - Set up the simulation, run and plot

Proceed to the Simulations section and create a new simulation. Create a new mesh that suits your requirements of accuracy.

Set up the simulation. For reference, see for example the step-by-step guide SC 001 - Superconductor AC loss.

Run the simulation by clicking Not Run. Plot Time step in X axis and YBCO loss in Y axis to see the AC loss results in the YBCO layer.