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HB 001 - AC Joule heating

Electrical systems, from the wiring in our homes to the circuits in our smartphones, generate heat as electricity flows through their conductors. This phenomenon, known as Joule heating, can significantly impact the performance and lifespan of these systems.

Simulations are used to predict and analyze Joule heating effects. By simulating different geometries, materials, and current loads, efficiency can be optimized in wire designs. This is especially important in applications with high currents or limited space, such as electronic devices and power transmission systems.

This simulation example focuses on AC Joule heating in a 1 mm length of aluminium wire, modeled as a simple rectangular piece. By simulating the flow of alternating current, we can visualize and quantify the heat distribution and temperature rise within the conductor.

Demo project: Harmonic balance - Joule heating AC

Beam model

Simulation setup guide

Here you’ll find a simplified, example case level guide for setting up a aluminium wire AC joule heating simulation in Quanscient Allsolve.

Step 1 - Build the geometry

In the Model section, build a box for the wire geometry:

NameElement typeCenter point [m]Size [m]Rotation [deg]
boxBoxX: 0X: 1e-3X: 0
Y: 0Y: 1e-4Y: 0
Z: 0Z: 1e-4Z: 0

Step 2 - Define variables and materials

Go to the Properties section.

  1. Define a variable:

    freqAC frequenzy [Hz]5
  2. Assign Aluminium to the wire volume.

    • Add the aluminium target as a shared region.

Step 3 - Define the physics

Go to the Physics section.

In this example, the Current flow and Heat solid physics are required. Add both of them before moving on to define interactions.

Physics 1 - Current flow

  • Let current flow target default to the whole geometry.

  • Add Constraint and name it as Ground:

    NameInteraction typeTargetValue
    GroundConstraintEnd surface of beam in the negative X-direction (2)0

    Beam model

  • Add Lump I/V:

    NameInteraction typeTargetActuation modeValue
    Lump I/VLump I/VEnd surface of beam in the positive X-direction (1)Currentsn(1)

    Beam model

Physics 2 - Heat solid

  • Let heat solid target default to the whole geometry.

  • Add Constraint:

    NameInteraction typeTargetValue
    GroundConstraintBoth end surfaces of beam (1, 2)0

    Beam model

  • Add Joule heating to couple Heat solid with Current flow.

    • As target, select the wire volume (1).

Step 4 - Generate the mesh

Go to the Simulations section.

Generate a mesh with default settings and check the preview.


Step 5 - Simulate

Create a new simulation:

Analysis typeFundamental frequencyHarmonics
Multiharmonicfreq1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • As mesh, select the mesh you created.
  • Inputs
    • Add freq sweep with override expression linspace(1, 501, 41).
  • Outputs
    • Add custom value outputs:
      • Max T1, output expression maxvalue(reg.aluminium_target, abs(harm(1, T)), 5)
      • Max T4, output expression maxvalue(reg.aluminium_target, abs(harm(4, T)), 5)
      • Max T5, output expression maxvalue(reg.aluminium_target, abs(harm(5, T)), 5)
    • Add Electric potential field v and Temperature field T outputs. All 5 harmonics are automatically added, but some give redundant results. Harmonics v1, v3, v4, v5 and T2, T3 can be removed, while keeping the following harmonics:
      • v harmonic 2
      • T harmonic 1
      • T harmonic 4
      • T harmonic 5
    • Harmonics v1, v3, v4, v5 as well as T2, T3 can be omitted as redundant.

You simulation is now ready to run.

Step 6 - Plot & visualize results

Add plots and visualizations to see results. Some examples are given below.

Max T outputs plotted

T harmonic 1 output visualized