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CHT 002 - 2D Taylor-Couette flow

In this example, conjugate heat transfer (CHT) in a quasi-2D Taylor-Couette flow is simulated.

Taylor-Couette flow, characterized by the rotation of concentric cylinders and the fascinating patterns that emerge within the fluid, exhibits diverse flow regimes depending on the rotation speeds and fluid properties.

While traditional Taylor-Couette studies often focus on fluid mechanics, incorporating heat transfer adds another layer of complexity and practical relevance. In many real-world scenarios, the rotating cylinders and the fluid have different temperatures, leading to heat exchange between them. This is where CHT simulation becomes essential.

Model definition

The model is composed of a thin disc with two hollow concentric cylinders: the inner hollow cylinder forms a solid region and the outer hollow cylinder forms the fluid region.

Demo project: Conjugate heat transfer

Example image

The model setup is based on a paper by De Marinis et al. 1

  1. The outer surface (at radius RoR_{\rm o}) of the outer cylinder is rotating with a tangential velocity Uo=2 m/sU_{\rm o} = 2 ~ \rm m/s.
  2. The temperature at the outer surface RoR_{\rm o} is fixed at To=700 KT_{\rm o} = 700 ~ \rm K.
  3. The inner cylinder is stationary.
  4. The temperature at the inner surface of the inner cylinder RiR_{\rm i} is fixed at Ti=500 KT_{\rm i} = 500 ~ \rm K.
  5. At the interface of the solid and fluid region (surface at RmR_{\rm m}), a no-slip velocity constraint is applied.

For Taylor-Couette flow, typically a viscous fluid is considered. Typical water properties are used for the fluid here, but kinematic viscosity is increased to ν=1 m2/s\nu = 1 ~ \rm m^2/s to make it viscous. Normally, water has a kinematic viscosity of νwater=1.002e6 m2/s\nu _{\rm water} = 1.002 e ^{-6} ~ \rm m^2/s.

For the simulation setup in Allsolve, the tangential velocity UoU_o is split into its X and Y components as detailed below. The heat transfer at fluid-solid interface is strongly coupled, therefore, no additional flux boundary conditions are required at the interface.

Example image

Simulation setup guide

Here you’ll find a simplified, example case level guide for setting up a conjugate heat transfer simulation in a quasi-2D Taylor-Couette flowing cylinder in Quanscient Allsolve.

Step 1 - Define variables

Start out in the Properties section by defining the following variables:

Roouter radius [m]1.8
Rminterface radius [m]0.9
Riinner radius [m]0.45
hheight [m]0.05
Totemperature at Ro [K]700
Titemperature at Ri [K]500
Uotangential velocity at Ro [m/s]2.0
wangular velocity at Ro [rad/s]Uo/Ro
ksbykfheat conductivity ratio between solid and fluid9.0
nukinematic viscosity of fluid [m²/s]1.0

Step 2 - Build the geometry

In the Model section, build the model geometry by creating Cylinders and by using the Fragment all and Remove operations as follows.

  1. Create 3 cylinders:

    NameElement typeCenter point [m]Size [m]Rotation [deg]
    inner cylinderCylinderX: 0Radius: RiX: 90
    Y: 0Height: hY: 0
    Z: 0Z: 0
    NameElement typeCenter point [m]Size [m]Rotation [deg]
    interface cylinderCylinderX: 0Radius: RmX: 90
    Y: 0Height: hY: 0
    Z: 0Z: 0
    NameElement typeCenter point [m]Size [m]Rotation [deg]
    outer cylinderCylinderX: 0Radius: RoX: 90
    Y: 0Height: hY: 0
    Z: 0Z: 0
  2. Apply the fragment all operation.

  3. Apply the remove operation, with the innermost small cylinder (volume 1) as target.

Finished geometry:

Example image

Step 3 - Define the materials

Go to the Properties section to define the model materials.

Material 1 - Water

Assign Water to the outer cylinder (volume 3). Add the target as a shared region.

  • Set the Dynamic viscosity of water to par.rho()*nu.

Material 2 - Aluminium

Assign Aluminium to the interface cylinder (volume 2). Add the target as a shared region.

  • Set the Thermal conductivity of aluminium to ksbykf*0.55.
    • Here, 0.55 is the thermal conductivity of water.

Example image

Your model materials are now defined.

Step 4 - Define the physics

Go to the Physics section.

In this example, the Laminar flow, Heat solid and Heat fluid physics are required. Add all of them before moving on to set up interactions.

Physics 1 - Laminar flow

  • As laminar flow target, select the water region.

  • Add Velocity constraint.

    • As Target, select the water cylinder’s outer edge surface (7).
    • Set Constraint value to [1, w * y; 1, -w * x; 1, 0.0].
    • This constraint essentially applies the constant tangential velocity Uo at the outer surface of the water cylinder (see model definition).

    Example image

  • Add Velocity constraint 2.

    • As Target, select the interface surface between the fluid and solid regions (4).
    • Set Constraint value to [1, 0; 1, 0; 1, 0].
    • This is essentially a no-slip constraint at the fluid and solid interface.

    Example image

  • Add Velocity constraint 3.

    • As Target, select the water cylinder top and bottom surfaces (8, 9).
    • Set Constraint value to [0, 0; 0, 0; 1, 0].

    Example image

    • This constraint stops flow in the Z-direction through the water cylinder top and bottom surfaces.
      • This is what makes the simulation quasi-2D as the velocity in the Z-direction is set to zero.
  • Add Pressure constraint.

    • As Target, select points 3, 4.
    • Set Constraint value to 0.0.

    Example image

  • Add the Laminar flow - Heat fluid coupling Thermal fluid.

Physics 2 - Heat solid

  • As Heat solid target, select the aluminium region.
  • Add Constraint.
    • As Target, select the aluminium cylinder inner surface (1).
    • Set Temperature constraint to Ti.
    Example image

Physics 3 - Heat fluid

  • As Heat fluid target, select the water region.
  • Add Constraint.
    • As Target, select the water cylinder outer surface (7).
    • Set Temperature constraint to To.
    Example image

Your physics and their interactions are now defined. Before moving on, check that your physics tree matches the one below. Example image

Step 5 - Generate the mesh

Proceed to the Simulations section to create a new mesh. For thin geometries like in here, it makes sense to use mesh extrusion:

  1. Set Mesh quality to Expert settings.
  2. Set Used mesher to Basic.
  3. Set Scale factor to 0.15.
  4. Add Mesh extrusion.
  5. As Target, select both cylindrical volumes in the model (2, 3).
  6. This creates just one extrusion layer. Set Sublayer count in that layer to 1.
  7. Apply the settings and mesh.
  8. Check out the preview.

Finished mesh:

Example image

Step 6 - Simulate

In this step, we’ll look at:

  1. Setting up the steady state simulation
  2. How to calculate the analytical solution in your steady state simulation through scripting (optional)
  3. Setting up an additional sweep simulation (optional)

Steady state

Create a new simulation:

  • In simulation settings:
    • Set Analysis type to Steady state.
    • Set Solver mode to Iterative solver.
  • In Mesh, select the mesh you created.
  • In Outputs:
    • Add pressure field output p.
      • As Target, select the water region.
    • Add velocity field output V.
      • As Target, select the water region.
    • Add temperature field output T.

Your steady state simulation is now ready to run.

Scripting the analytical solution

To calculate the analytical solution, add this snippet of code to the end of your steady state script file:

Ro = expr.Ro
Rm = expr.Rm
Ri = expr.Ri
To = expr.To
Ti = expr.Ti
Uo = expr.Uo
ksbykf = expr.ksbykf
# Analytical solution for velocity
def V(r):
if (r>Ro or r<Rm):
return 0.0
vel = Uo * (Ro/r) * (r*r-Rm*Rm)/(Ro*Ro-Rm*Rm)
return vel
# Analytical solution for temperature
def T(r):
if (r >= Ri and r <= Rm):
temp = Ti + (To-Ti) * qs.log(r/Ri) / (qs.log(Rm/Ri)+qs.log(Ro/Rm)*ksbykf)
return temp.evaluate()
elif (r >= Rm and r <= Ro):
temp = To - (To-Ti) * qs.log(Ro/r) / (qs.log(Ro/Rm)+qs.log(Rm/Ri)/ksbykf)
return temp.evaluate()
return 0.0
rT = Rm
Tinterface_analytical = T(rT)
Tinterface_simulation = (fld.T).allinterpolate(qs.selectall(), [0, rT, 0])[0]
rV = (Ro + Rm)/2.0
V_analytical = V(rV)
V_simulation = (fld.V).allinterpolate(qs.selectall(), [0, rV, 0])[0]
str_rT = f"@ r = {rT}m"; str_rV = f"@ r = {rV}m"
print(f"{'VERIFICATION:'}", flush=True)
print(f"{'':-^75}", flush=True)
print(f"{'':12} {'Temperature [K]':<25} {'Velocity [m/s]':<25}", flush=True)
print(f"{'':12} {str_rT:<25} {str_rV:<25}", flush=True)
print(f"{'':-^75}", flush=True)
print(f"{'Analytical':<12} {Tinterface_analytical:<25} {V_analytical:<25}", flush=True)
print(f"{'Simulation':<12} {Tinterface_simulation:<25} {V_simulation:<25}", flush=True)
print(f"{'':-^75}", flush=True)
print("NOTE: Mesh convergence can be achieved with refinement")

See Logs for verification results:

Example image


Create a new simulation by copying the existing steady state simulation:

  • Name the simulation copy as Sweep.
  • In Inputs:
    • Add ksbykf sweep.
      • Set Override expression to linspace(0.1, 20, 40).
  • In Outputs:
    • Add custom value output:
      • Name: Max T interface.
      • Output expression: maxvalue(reg.interface_surface, T, 5).
    • Add custom value output:
      • Name: FSI flux.
      • Output expression: integrate(reg.interface_surface, transpose(normal(reg.aluminium)) * on(reg.aluminium, -par.k()*grad(T)), 5).

Your sweep simulation is now ready to run.

Step 7 - Plot & visualize

In the Simulations section, add plots to see value output results, or visualizations to see field output results. Some examples are given below.

  • Temperature field T:

    Example image

  • Max T interface:

    Example image


Example image
Simulated velocity and temperature profiles compared with the analytical solution.



  1. De Marinis, D., de Tullio, M.D., Napolitano, M. and Pascazio, G. (2016). Improving a conjugate-heat-transfer immersed-boundary method. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 26 No. 3/4, pp. 1272-1288.>