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This section contains a collection of example cases that you can use to get started with Allsolve.


Acoustics 001 - Loudspeaker in a cabinet
Simulation example of acoustic waves from a loudspeaker
SAW 001 - Unit cell
Surface acoustic wave


CHT 000 - Governing equations
Mathematics of CHT for FEM
CHT 001 - Manifold microchannel heat sink
Simulating conjugate heat transfer in a manifold microchannel heat sink
CHT 002 - 2D Taylor-Couette flow
CHT in a Taylor-Couette flowing cylinder of viscous fluid

Harmonic balance

HB 001 - AC Joule heating
Harmonic balance series - AC Joule heating in an aluminium wire
HB 002 - Backbone curve of a clamped-clamped beam
Harmonic balance series - Backbone curve of a beam clamped from both ends
HB 003 - MEMS Microspeaker
Multiharmonic analysis for a MEMS microspeaker


MEMS 000 - Importing .gds files & Mesh extrusion
Importing .gds files and mesh extrusion
MEMS 001 - Combdrive EigenModes
Eigenmode analysis of a MEMS comb-drive accelerometer
Piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducer
MEMS 004 - Combdrive Static Deflection
Static deflection in a MEMS comb-drive accelerometer
MEMS 005 - Viscoelasticity benchmark
Transient viscoelasticity benchmark
MEMS 006 - Piezocomposite transducer
Simulating a piezocomposite transducer used for medical imaging


Packaging 001 - FCBGA free warpage
Thermal expansion & warpage of a FCBGA semiconductor package

Radio frequency

RF 000 - Equations for electromagnetic waves
Mathematics of electromagnetic waves for FEM
RF 001 - Eigenmode ports and S-parameters
Demonstration of a port mode analysis and drive setup with S-parameters calculation for a typical microstrip line
RF 002 - Lumped ports and RLC components
Demonstration of using the lumped port to connect a resistor to terminate a grounded coplanar waveguide
RF 003 - Patch antenna
Simulating radiation from a patch antenna surrounded by an airbox PML


SC 003 - Quench
Simulating the quench event in a YBCO superconductor