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Introduction to entities & tags

3D models in Quanscient Allsolve contain 4 types of geometric entities: volumes, surfaces, curves and points. Each entity in a model geometry has a unique identifier called a tag. These tags are always integers one or greater.

Entity tags can be used to identify and reference entities within the application. A separate running number 1, 2, 3, … is assigned to each dimension, so there can be a point, a curve, a surface and a volume each with tag 1.

You can view the tags of entities in the entities list. Visibilities for volumes and surfaces can also be toggled from the entities list.

Entities list
Entities list. Surfaces 1 and 3 are hidden, and curve 2 was clicked in the entities list, which highlights it in red.

Introduction to regions

Regions in Quanscient Allsolve are sets of entity tags. Regions can only contain tags for entities of a single dimension, that is, volumes, surfaces, curves or points. Entities of different dimensions cannot be grouped into the same region.

Regions allow you to reference and group certain parts of a geometry for various purposes. This can be assigning material properties or defining boundary conditions, for example.

When you create a new region, you select specific entity tags to group under a region. These regions can then be used throughout the application to reference to the selected group.

Private and shared regions

There are private regions and shared regions in Quanscient Allsolve. Shared regions can be added in the properties section, and can exist on their own without any references to them.

A private region can only exist as a target of some kind, like in a material region, for example. Private regions can be elevated as shared regions at any time, allowing them to be used as targets throughout the application. To elevate a private region as shared:

  1. Click on the planet icon. Click Yes on the popup.
  2. Click Apply.

Region sharing
Region sharing

Advanced region picking

There are 4 options in total when it comes to region picking:

  1. Picking a target on the GUI model view.
    • See the example video in the Introduction to regions section on this page.
  2. Picking a target with a range / interval filter.
    • Click the Filter icon.
    • Select Range / Interval.
    • Input Start tag, End tag and Interval to form a picking rule. Picking target with a range / interval filter
  3. Picking a target with a text filter.
    • Click the Filter icon.
    • Select Text.
    • Input target tags as text.
      • Separate individual tags and ranges with commas (1-3, 5, 7, 10-20). Picking target with a text filter
    • Click Set tags.
  4. Picking a target on the entities list.
    • Click the + icon.
    • Select tags by clicking individual entities in the drop-down list. Picking target from the entities list