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AC losses in HTS tape demo

Model definition

Figure 1: Depiction of the modeling domain

ComponentsGeometric info
airradius = 8 cm
tapewidth = 4 mm, heigth = 95 μm, length = 1 cm
copper layerthickness = 20 μm
silver layerthickness = 2 μm
YBCO layerthickness = 1 μm
hastelloy layerthickness = 50 μm
domainlength = 1 cm
YBCO cross-sectionAybco=3.96109A_{ybco} = 3.96\cdot10^{-9} m²²

Material Data

Magnetic permeability (μ\mu)

  • all domains: μ0\mu_0

Electric resistivity (ρ\rho)

  • Hastelloy: 106 Ω10^{-6}~\Omegam
  • Silver: 108 Ω10^{-8}~\Omegam
  • Copper: 108 Ω10^{-8}~\Omegam
  • YBCO:
    • ρ=EcJc(JJc)n1\rho=\frac{E_c}{J_c}\left(\frac{||J||}{J_c} \right)^{n-1}
      • Ec=100 μE_c=100~\muV/m
      • n=30.5n=30.5
      • Jc=2.85×1010J_c=2.85\times 10^{10} [A/m2^2]
      • Ic=JcAybcoI_c=J_c\cdot A_{ybco}
    • EE0+EJ(JJ0)E\approx E^0+\frac{\partial E}{\partial J}(J-J^0)

Inputs case 1

  • Frequency f=50f=50 Hz

  • Operation current Iop(t)=0.8IcI_{op}(t)=0.8I_c\cdot sin(2πft)(2\pi f t)

  • External magnetic flux density Bext(t)=0B_{ext}(t)=0 [T]

Inputs case 2

  • Frequency f=50f=50 Hz

  • Operation current Iop(t)=0I_{op}(t)=0 A

  • External magnetic flux density Bext(t)=20B_{ext}(t)=20\cdot sin(2πft)(2\pi f t) [mT]

Output results

  • Joule losses in the ybco region, and in the normalconducting region
Pi(t)=ΩiE(t)J(t) dΩ\begin{equation} P_i(t)=\int_{\Omega_{i}}\boldsymbol{E}(t)\cdot \boldsymbol{J}(t)~\rm{d}\Omega \end{equation}
  • Field visualizations

Step-by-step guide

Here you’ll find a step-by-step tutorial on how to simulate this in Quanscient Allsolve.

Step 1 - Create geometry

  1. Start with a new project and name it: Example image  

  2. Upload the mesh file “htstape.msh”: Example image  

Step 2 - Define shared regions

  1. Proceed to the Properties tab to define regions and materials.  

  2. Click on the + icon next to Shared regions to define physical regions for later convenience.

    • Select geometric entities by clicking the geometry visualization. Finalize the selection by clicking `Apply
      • Note: After defining the air region, hide the air volume by clicking the button indicated by the arrow, and then clicking the air volume `
    • Define the following shared region volumes: air, copper, silver, hastelloy, ybco and tape (including all the tape layers)
    • In addition define the tape region excluding ybco layer and name it normalconducting
    • Define the following shared region surfaces from the HTS tape cross-section: s_copper, s_silver, s_hastelloy, s_ybco, and s_tape including of all the previously defined surfaces Example image  

Step 3 - Define material properties

  1. Click on the + icon next to Materials and select Air, Silver, Copper and YBCO from the material list with Confirm and select the corresponding already defined shared volume to it. Finalize defining a material with Apply.

    • Change Electric conducticity to 1e8 forSilver and Copper. Example image  
  2. For the Hastelloy, we need to create a new material. Example image  

  3. Name it to hastelloy and add the following properties with +: Magnetic permeability: μ0\mu_0 and electric conductivity: 10610^6 S/m. Example image  

Step 3 - Define shared expressions

  1. Assing correct values to YBCO_Jc=2.85e10, and YBCO_n=30.5
  2. Create a new shared expression by clicking + icon next to Shared expressions, and define AybcoA_{ybco}=3.96e-9
  3. Similarly, define shared expressions: freq and IopI_{op}. Define also Bext=0B_{ext} = 0 T Example image  

Step 3 - Define the physics, boundary conditions and sources

  1. Proceed to the Physics tab to define physics and interactions.  

  2. Click on the + icon to add a new physics. Select Magnetism φ\varphi and Magnetism H\boldsymbol{H}.

  • Apply air region for Magnetism φ\varphi
  • Apply tape region for Magnetism H\boldsymbol{H} Example image  
  1. Add Constraint for Magnetism φ\varphi. Example image  

  2. Choose a point region from the boundary of the air domain and set the value to 0.0 Example image  

  3. Add External field for Magnetism φ\varphi. Assign BextB_{ext} to yy-direction at the infinity boundary of the air domain. Example image  

  4. Add Lump I/V cut for Magnetism φ\varphi, by selecting the curves going around the tape cross-section. Assign IopI_{op} as the applied total current. Example image  

  5. Add Hφ\boldsymbol{H}-\varphi coupling for Magnetism H\boldsymbol{H}. Example image  

Step 5 - Apply simulation settings

  1. Click on + icon next to the Simulations to add a simulation. Example image  


    • Name: Simulation: case 1
    • Analysis Type: select Transient
    • Time stepping algorithm: select Implicit Euler
    • Start time: 0 s, End time: 0.02 s, Time step: 0.00016 s
    • Solver mode: Direct solver
    • Node Count = 1 and Node Type = 1 CPU, 16GB
    • Click on Apply button to confirm the settings. Example image  
  3. Click on Mesh under Simulation: case 1 and select Mesh 1.  

Step 6 - Simulation outputs

  1. Click on + icon next to Outputs under Simulation: case 1. Now select Custom under Value outputs.

    • Define Joule loss integrals Pnc and Pybco:
      • Pybco: integrate(reg.ybco,transpose(E)*j,2)
      • Pnc: integrate(reg.normalconducting,transpose(E)*j,2)
    • Net currents:
      • Itot: lump.I
      • Iybco: integrate(reg.s_ybco,on(reg.ybco,compz(j)),2) Example image  
  2. To visualize J\boldsymbol{J} in the YBCO region, create Field output similarly as in the image. Example image  

Step 7 - Custom modifications to the script

  1. Go to Script under Simulation: case 1 and enable scripting mode. Example image  

  2. Change interpolation order of φ\varphi to 1. Example image  

  3. Replace line 101 with the following linearization to enable Newton Raphson method:

rho = 1/par.sigma(df.j)
dedj = rho*qs.eye(3) + (expr.YBCO_n-1.0)*rho/qs.max(df.j*df.j, 1e-40) * df.j * qs.transpose(df.j)
dofe = rho*df.j + dedj * (qs.curl(qs.dof(fld.H))+var.curl_dof_Hs - qs.curl(fld.H)-var.curl_Hs)
form += qs.integral(reg.ybco, dofe * (qs.curl( - var.curl_tf_Hs))
form += qs.integral(reg.normalconducting, qs.inverse(par.sigma(df.j)) * (qs.curl(qs.dof(fld.H)) + var.curl_dof_Hs) * (qs.curl( - var.curl_tf_Hs))

Example image  

  1. Finally:
  • change tolerance to 1e-4
  • replace the field output region to reg.s_ybco Example image  
  1. Now Save script and click on Simulation: case 1 and then on Run Simulation button. The simulation status changes from Not run to Running and after completion to Success.  

Step 5 - Visualizing the simulation results

  1. To visualize J\boldsymbol{J}, add visualization, select j and use similar settings as shown in the image. Example image