The simulation log in Quanscient Allsolve displays different information based on the simulation solver type and problem type.
Direct solver logs
The simulation log for a simulation using the direct solver (non-DDM) displays some basic information about the simulation run, such as:
- general simulation phases
- mesh size
- mesh loading time
- solving time
Logs for steady state NAFEMS 2D heat transfer, direct solver.
Direct solver solving time appears in the logs as
DDM solve for ___ dofs:___ ms
even though DDM is not in use.
This is due to formulation.allsolve
being a generic solver - it considers a non-DDM case as DDM with only one mesh partition.
When the direct solver is in use, matrix decomposition is done instead of mesh decomposition.
Iterative solver logs
The simulation log for a simulation using the iterative solver (DDM) displays the same basic information about the simulation run, as the with the direct solver:
- general simulation phases
- mesh size
- mesh loading time
- solving time
If more than one node is used, the mesh is partitioned between the nodes, and the pieces are solved in parallel. In this case, mesh partitioning and DDM solving data is shown in the logs as well:
Logs for steady state NAFEMS 2D heat transfer, iterative solver with 2 nodes.
The abbreviation gmres
stands for generalized minimal residual method (GMRES).
DDM is iterated until the Relative residual tolerance is subceeded.
In the example above, it was set as 1e-6
Nonlinear problem logs
With nonlinear problems, the NL solve iterations and relative change between iterations is printed in the logs:
Eigenmode analysis logs
With the Eigenmode analysis type, eigenfrequencies are printed in the logs:
Sweep logs
With sweep simulations, the status and successfulness of each subsimulation is printed in the logs: